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Cool Happenings in Idaho

My wife and I moved to Idaho in September of 2017. We left because I wanted to get an internship type experience to go along with my Public Administration program, so I signed up as an Americorps Vista. We left a stable job, and a house to pursuit the start of a new dream. On and off throughout my career I have always been an outlier. I have always thought differently about what defines an employee and an manager. What defines working, and truly giving of ones self at work. For me just doing the bare minimum is so easy. People often fall into those roles as quick as they learn the ropes at a new job. That to me is never enough. My creative brain always says there is a better way to do this. It was those feeling as well as seeing the writing on the walls that told me it was a good time to move on towards my dreams.

Idaho has been a creative spot for me, moving to work in a makerspace, has allowed me to put the creative grindings in my mind to work. I get to see people in the community, rub shoulders with educators, and I get to walk by a gallery every morning and chat with Jerry or Celeste the owner of Purple Easel. It has been this gallery that has given my art a second chance.

What brought me into the doors was that I missed teaching art like I did at as a recreation therapist. Teaching art and seeing it's positive influence on others has always been a thing I love. I cam into Purple Easel when I moved there to see if I could teach people some basic art classes. When I asked though the owner said can I see your portfolio. I always just said check out my website. I did this several times before I figured out I just need to bring in the art. So maybe a few months after we moved in I finally did.

That moment of finally bringing the art was awesome. Celeste seemed to enjoy the art as well as my demo painting that I wanted to teach. I say that because she immediately scheduled a class and told me I don't need to bring the paintings home. That I could hang it on their walls as a featured artist. I was so happy that this happened. It opened my mind to making art again as a regular practice. Needless to say the art on the walls has been a boost for my artist spirit, and a testament to have a passion and keep working it.

The art on the wall also lead to the sale of one of my most prized paintings, "SHALL NOT I SPARE NINEVEH?" I got a call from Purple Easel about a month after my art was hanging, it was Jerry telling me that someone wanted to buy my painting. I was exciting and sad at the same time. Nothing like selling your favorite painting to want to make more art you love.

Other than that I am fortunate to work at Salmon Public Library, with an amazingly positive woman that manages it Ramona. I recently found a program to teach artist to make a business of their art. Called Idaho Artreprenuer Program. I applied half curious, mostly hopeful that it can help my wife and I actually pursuit the avenue of being entrepreneurs. I was accepted into the program. So I am excited and blessed as well because of the Generosity of the Library actually paying my registration fees.

So anyways Idaho has been handing me opportunities through the maker space and my art. I love that and hope this places me in line for actually starting something. I want to live a creative life. Not just wish one. I want to start something where I can actually test my assumptions about being a leader. I want to test my innovation abilities, and work on projects rather than the same thing on the daily. I want to learn from you guys about your creative musings, and how you have started to live your dreams.

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